Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!!!

aka the year I turn 30. Oh, and I replaced my Xbox 360 awhile back. A friend talked some sense into me, heheh! Anyways, here's to a awesome 2009!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fricking Microsoft.

This Saturday, I woke up and decided I was going to play some Fable 2. Turned on my 360, but the above result happened. For those of you not game-knowledgeable, the above pic means my Xbox is F---'ed. I think when I get my replacement gift card from Best Buy (luckily I had a plan, that I'm glad I bought, although I have that warranty from MS, but meh.) I think I'm gonna get a PS3. At least it wont do the above result. And it plays Blu-Ray too.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Wii!!!

It was a sunny day, and I was excited. Months of waiting would pay off, I woke up, got dressed, and got somebody to drive me to the Woodbury GameStop. My excitement reached a fever pitch, we got there a little early, but soon enough, it opened, and claimed my preordered Wii. I had it, but I unfortunately would have to wait a little bit longer. I had to go grocery shopping, but even that was altright, cause I ran into some old friends-my former aide Kim, and her daughter Jaelynn. It momentarily took my mind off, but then it came back, after I was done talking to them. Then I finished shopping, came home, put my food away, then I unpacked my little white box of fun. Even though I got Zelda:Twilight Princess, I decided to pop in the pack-in game, Wii Sports, to try its features. The rest, was history. I never felt so proud to be a supporter of Nintendo as I did that day. Game on.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where's Dr. Wily? Oh no, too late.

The image above is a press kit, given out by Capcom. And it is frickin' cool. I can't wait to be the Blue Bomber again. I'm counting the days......

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Disconnected?? Again??? Argh.

I decided to boot up Mario Kart Wii online, since I finished all the cups, but the Nintendo WiFi Connection is being retarded, it connects, lets me choose my player, and chooses my opponents, but then after that it says "You were disconnected from the other players." And it did it FOUR TIMES!!!! WTF??? I love Nintendo, but I think they still have to fine tune their online. I'll try again later, but for now I think I'll play some Chrono Cross for my PS1. At least that won't disconnect me.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sim City....among other things.

I decided to pop SimCity into my SNES. I'm already on "City" status. And loving every minute of it. But Guitar Hero 2 for my 360 is staring at me, so methinks I'll take a break and play that. Almost done in Easy mode, and Normal mode is giving me a dirty look.

Want to Control an Empire??

Then go to You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

quick random thought of the minute

Ribs are tasty. Go get some. Now. Right F!@#ing now. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.

First Post

Wow. So this is blogging. Hmm..where to begin...Ah! My name is Marcus, and I live in South St Paul in a group home...more on that in future blogs. I also have Aspergers Syndrome, which is a form of what I call "high-functioning autism" I have done very well in my life (except for some craziness-more on that in the future, hehe!) I am currently employed at 3M as a contractor for Smith Microtech, and have been there for 4 years now. I love video gaming, and own most consoles, Including Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360. Jury's still out on Playstation 3, though. Anyway, my younger sister convinced me to write a blog, that it would be beneficial, so here I am. I'll try to update when I can, so here goes!!!!