Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Gamecube!!

Hi all, Gamecube was released 10 years ago today!! So go play some Super Mario Sunshine! Or Super Smash Bros. Melee! Even play it on your Wii! And btw I still keep mine around for one main reason: Game Boy Player. Oh, and be sure to visit my YouTube channel, and my site too!

Game on!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Winds of Change Blow again!!

Sorry for not posting in a bit, but I've had a lot of good things happen. I got a new job, got my Wii fixed,my sister is visiting this weekend from California, plus I'm getting a killer renter's rebate to boot!! I'll try to post a little more often. But there you have it, I caught you all up too speed! Oh, and of course, take a look at my review show "Power Up!" It's on that newfangled internets site YouTube!! Well that's all for now, have a peachy mango day, and game on!
=) Marcus