Just recently, the PlayStation 1 celebrated it's 15th anniversary, and a couple sites of course are reminiscing about their experiences. One site even goes as far to have their editors name their favorite button. Yeah. You heard that right. Anyway, I had joined the PlayStation party late, as I bought my PlayStation in 2000. I think it's an alright system, yeah, it's got CD based games so you can fit more on it, and it's got more games, yadda yadda yadda. But to me, Sony games, and the PlayStation brand as a whole, have no "soul". Granted, it has some really top notch software, but to me, it is not "Old-school." I was a big Nintendo fan growing up, and I actually bought the Dreamcast before the PlayStation. I just find all these "tributes" to the PSone a little "meh". Oh, and by the way, the Dreamcast came out on the same day the PlayStation did, they had better have a 15th anniversary something-or-other for that. And that's my thoughts on the PSone. I guess I'll go play some Final Fantasy VII or something. Game on.